Magic and Tarot and Tales, Oh My!

Since last year, Gaia has led me into adventures with magic, tarot, and storytelling in new and exciting ways that include research into the depths of esoteric knowledge and the myriad Unseen who populate our universe. From my sanctuary here in the woods, my soul seeks to explore inner realms of reality using a variety of tools that draw upon intuition, imagination, visualization, and creativity.

The Magic arises refreshed after a long pause, one that has led me to a different level of the spiral dance that began nearly three decades ago. So much of it feels scintillating as I incorporate years of living this energetic awareness — through many vibrational modalities of healing — back into practices of active engagement with Unseen energies and Beings again.

Tarot has become a wonderful companion on this adventure. I first became REacquainted with the Rider*Waite*Smith deck, one that has stood the test of time and is the most popular tarot system. From there, it wasn’t long before many other gorgeous, intriguing decks called out to me!

As for the Tales, I recently published my fourth novel and my first novella. I’m now looking forward to exploring how Magic and Tarot can Dance with the new Tales I am working on.

I feel blessed that Gaia — as Source of All, the Great Mystery, Cosmic Womb, and Mother Earth — supports and guides me through trials and wonderment.

Thank you for sharing.