Tag Archive | sabbat

Sensations at Samhain

Greens and golds, stories of old, sweeping across the trails of mind like feathers I would find upon a prairie, leaving hints as to who had passed before, yet might no more be here if we do not take care of the light within so they can come back again.

Dreams of walking have come into my sleep for years on end, always returning just as the wheel turns and our endings are new beginnings, the cycle of continuous change, the path unfolding before me with each step, and I am only following where it leads through flower fields and scrub, by highlands that reach through rock and ash, out to the sea and return in the tides.

A branch goes one way I’ve not been and I turn to begin again … and again … for there is always another curve or bend or ravine or tree to climb or cliff to scale or river to cross upon stepping stones of turtle shells that are sturdy and slow yet provide the way as clear as day that winds through falling leaves and naked branches bare of decoration and revealing all the scars that have now healed and grown stronger; like paint upon my skin, they are tattoos of grace and waste that merge within the space of a single layer that becomes One in the unity of all life.

This world so bold and beautiful in Her greens and golds and new bright blues that guide the path into the deepest night until dreams take hold once more and I rest upon the floor of home tapped by rhythmic feet into exquisite song.

 Golds and reds, of fruits are spread, up in the air and upon the ground, where shapes are round, with gentle curves, and tastes so sweet upon the nerves in mouth, on tongue, where buds are full and form a splendid blend with apple-pomegranate, bliss and more … to sip the syrup of prickly pear fruit containing all the boost needed to repel the change to cold.

All beneath the full moon light, where She stayed present through the night, and even into early day, her white veil at play among the pale blue sky like a cloud disc come to view the world below in a strange new way. 

Full but on the wane, tonight the veil is thin between the worlds, a time of shadow and magic, to listen to wisdom of those who’ve gone before, to make peace if need be within this open door of opportunity once more. Cast a flame upon the candle; solitary light within the night and fall into the dancing elemental for Her to lift me up and offer insight within the moment of expansion and retreat into Self for within lies the answers, held safe there where all of us exist together as One. Offer my heart into the open flame for clarity, and never be the same, for all is change, welcome the betwixt and between, welcome the spirits and souls unseen, know the Truth of the whispers within … begin again.